• Walkthrough Video

    Show off your property with video! Rise above the listings that are stuck presenting only photos and engage more and more viewers for not only this property but for the rest of your social media accounts.

Walkthrough Video – An economic approach to valuable video content.

What we do: We’ll bring our professional video camera, special wide angle lens and stabilization system to achieve shots that are as smooth as they are sharp. We’ll then settle into the editing process to keep a good pace moving from room to room while sharpening the color and contrast of every clip.

What this is for: “Content is king” has been the truth for as long as the internet has been around. In our era, “video content” is eaten up like there’s no tomorrow.  But the expectations of the consumer have risen. When shaky amateur videos lose their viewers in under 5 seconds, you need a solution that people will engage with that won’t break the bank.

Duration: Up to 1 hour. Any time required beyond that will be billed at $30 an hour.

Delivery Time: Video within 2 business days.

Hello! MyPhiladelphiaPhoto.com has merged into Plush Image Corporation. For bookings, please follow this link:


