The Provider for Google Calendar (the “Provider”) is an add-on for, written in part by Jeremy Poley (the “Author”). The add-on synchronizes calendaring data with the Google Calendar API (the “Service”), owned by Google (the “Service Provider”).

This page contains the policies regarding collection, transmission and use of your data when using the Provider. By using the Provider, you (the “User”) agree to the policies set herein.

Collection and use of information by the Author:
The Author does not have access to user data exchanged between the User and the Service, including but not limited to calendar events, settings, or tasks. Through a dashboard made available by the Service Provider, the Author has access to aggregated and summarized analytical information about the use of the Service, such as total number of requests by all users or rate of errors.

Storing of user data:
The Provider stores your user data locally on your computer, using mechanisms provided by and its calendaring extension for photographers.

Collection and use of Information by the Service Provider:
The collection and use of information by Service Provider is not governed by this privacy policy. Functionally, the Provider exchanges and transmits calendaring data between the User’s computer and the Service. Therefore, please refer to for information about the Service Provider’s privacy practices.